A late Georgian gold and enamel mourning ring- a very special one. We've seen many different mourning rings, but never seen one like this. This ring, dedicated to John Wright, features a large red enamel heart in black background. The background is also enamel, and the outer white enameled frame around the crystal goes with tiny black hearts- a symbol of love and poignancy. On the back of the ring, the inscription reads 'John Wright died, 12. May, 1792. Aged 30'. John Wright was born on February 12th, 1762 in Derby, and passed away on May 12th, 1792 in London. He was a son of a wealthy silk maker and trader. He married Harriot Knight (1765-1839) on November 12, 1783 in London. After his passing, Harriot remarried a furniture maker, Thomas Storer Pratt in 1794. The family lived in the business premises at 20 Milk Street, London.
This ring has a large scale, and the back is contoured. It fits like hugging a finger, and the scale gives a striking look. Surprisingly modern looking, the ring is beautiful and rare. The crystal has some surface wear due to its age. Overall the ring is in very good condition.
US Size: 5.5-6
Face: Approximately 20mm N-S